5 Quotes & Sayings By Dean M Schroeder

Dean Schroeder is a New York Times best-selling author and an expert on leadership and personal growth. Dean has been a professional speaker for over fifteen years, sharing his expertise with corporations, associations, and educational institutions around the world. He is a sought after leadership coach, keynote speaker, and workshop leader who helps others realize their full potential in business and life.

People with power listen less carefully, and have difficulty taking into account what others already know. Dean M. Schroeder
As managers rise up the hierarchy, a host of situational forces come to bear on them which can easily undermine their respect for the people on the front lines, and hence cause them to disregard the value in front-line ideas. Dean M. Schroeder
Convincing a leader of the value of front-line ideas alone is rarely enough for that person to overcome years of entrenched bad habits and to change his management style. Dean M. Schroeder
People with power do not regulate their behavior as much. They become egocentric and preoccupied with their own self-interest, which eclipses their awareness of the interests of others. Dean M. Schroeder